Here are some ways YOU can take action and promote the work of your local United Way. For more information or new ideas please reach out to us, we'd love to hear from you!
MAUW strives to improve people's lives and build strong communities. Join us and advocate for health, education, and financial stability or nonprofit issue that you are passionate about. Our community needs your input!
Join the Cause
MAUW's Board of Directors is made up of a minimum of 18 community members that serve a 3-year term. We also have a Campaign Cabinet of volunteers that write letters and send packets to businesses and individuals throughout Marshall County. If you would be interested in joining either of these groups, please contact our office.
We also host 3 major fundraising events throughout the year and your participation is wanted! Join us in June for our Annual Golf Event, or in September for the Campaign Kickoff, and finally in October for Power of the Purse.
Engage with Our Community
Keep up to date with our community through social media and publicity outlets. Volunteering is a great way to connect with community members, show support, and learn about our partner agencies.
Even the smallest amounts make a difference!