6123 Scout Trail
Des Moines, IA 50321
Phone: 1-515-266-2135
Fax: (515)265-4143
Website: www.scoutingiowa.org
Matt Hill, CEO
Email: Matt.Hill@scouting.org
Serica Maiers
Email: Serica.Rowley@scouting.org
Amanda Nuzum
Email: amanda.nuzum@scouting.org
Community Service:
The highest rank in Scouting is Eagle Scout. The Mid-Iowa Council awards nearly 160 of these prestigious awards per year in the 27-county area the council serves. This represents nearly 19,717 hours of community service. In addition, Cub Scout packs, Scout troops, and Venturing Crews provide an additional 50,000 hours of community service.
Through a variety of practical experiences, young people are afforded the opportunity to learn about teamwork and leadership. Whether individuals are natural followers or leaders, Scouting programming always teaches how to work well with others.
Scouting builds confidence, self-esteem, and self-reliance, through encouragement, recognition, and exposure to challenging new experiences. No other program offers the combination of training and real-life experiences that Scouting does to build decision-making skills, initiative, social skills, and respect.
Positive Role Models:
Scouting provides its members with vital influences of caring, responsible volunteers whose guidance and friendship are essential to their development. The informal, fun environment of Scouting helps youth form meaningful relationships with adults..