Jordan Gaffney is a career prosecuting attorney whose experience spans the gamut between minor traffic offenses, misdemeanors, felonies, and homicide offenses. Serving as Marshall County Attorney since 2021, Jordan passionately pursues to make Marshall County an even better place to live, work, and play. Jordan’s work and the work of his Office put him in a unique position to know and value community agencies supported by United Way.
As a board member with United Way, Jordan seeks and encourages opportunities to lift up those struggling with substance use disorders and their families. Having served as a drug prosecutor, on Marshall County’s Drug Endangered Children team, and on Marshall County’s Enhanced Supervision Court team, Jordan saw firsthand the need for treatment services for and restoration of those affected by substance use disorders.
Jordan enjoys volunteering to assist with youth and faith programs. In addition to United Way, Jordan is a member of the Iowa County Attorneys Association Board of Directors, is an avid reader, and enjoys multiplying the impact of those under his leadership at the Marshall County Attorney’s Office. He’s also known for telling a good…or not very good dad joke.